Sunday 6th September
It's late Sunday night and I have realised I need to update you all on what’s been happening since the start of the week. Well, I have had three sets of people working on the house this weekend, a roofer,…
It's late Sunday night and I have realised I need to update you all on what’s been happening since the start of the week. Well, I have had three sets of people working on the house this weekend, a roofer,…
Well the weather was a real dampener for all our guests, it was dark and overcast most mornings at breakfast and everyone was asking was it going to rain all day! Plans for visiting parks changed to museums and believe…
It’s been a busy few days on both fronts – B&B and having a birthday party for Chris. We asked all guests if they would like to join for a drink or two – Bob and Feff said they could…
My lovely mother and daughter left yesterday morning; they crowned their holiday with tickets to see Hamlet at the Barbican starring Cumberbatch! I was so jealous, I asked them how they enjoyed the production and they were speechless – words…
I was just closing down the computer when I realised I had not written anything for a few days. Clients have been laid back and appreciative of late, which makes all our lives easier and we can carry out our…
I had a mother and daughter who arrived after a long 7-hour journey from Cornwall on Saturday. The mother was not sure if she was dead or alive after the journey, saying her daughter was too fast a driver. These is…
The young man took me up on my offer from yesterday and helped me cook breakfast this morning. It was delightful to see him grinning from ear to ear as he turned the bacon and mixed the eggs in a bowl. He listened and carried out…
This morning my current guests had the addition of a family arriving the night before so I had a full table – they were all from Germany but decided that English would be spoken at the table only! I don’t…
We had an international table at the weekend, Spain, Germany and Italy. It took a few minutes at breakfast for everyone to warm up and start chatting around the table. Thing that gets discussed after everyone has found out where…
I did one of my weekly shops to a certain supermarket (Lidl) and stocked up with the goods I find terrific value and quality. I also bought some pink roses, two bunches for £4.00 – a no brainer really –…