Tuesday 16th February
Well, I seem to be doing a lot of dog walking, Purdy is loving it by the way. On Sunday I went up to the Rookery by Streatham Common in the late afternoon. My boots did sink into the mud at times but there was enough pathway not to get soggy boots.
The woods were full of chirping birds and I saw several robins, they didn’t hang around long enough for me to get my iPhone out and snap them. When I did get my act together there was none to be seen for the rest of my walk! It was such a clear day and you could see for miles. On the skyline are the iconic chimney pots of Ikea for all to see, we reckoned we could see for at least forty miles (I was walking with a mathematical professor who did the calculation, so it must be true!)
I went walking today on Tooting Common, again the songbirds were singing their hearts out (it was late morning). The grey squirrels were leaping from branch to branch having such fun in the twinkling sunshine and I had this time all to myself as there was no one else sharing this special moment. On the way back I found the first signs of spring in the ground wild crocuses everywhere, they were a beautiful sight to see this morning and as you have guessed, one of my favourite colours, mauve!
Thinking of flowers, I popped into the Royal Academy last Friday and walked around the Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse Exhibition. It was packed, and the clientele reminded me of The Chelsea Flower Show of years past. I went in around 1 pm, I’m going to go again but next time when the doors open and mid-week. On Fridays I think the world and his wife are there, but one museum which is not as crowded is Tate Modern on a late night Friday.
Well, I’m off to the shops tomorrow to get all my shopping in as we have guests arriving Thursday and have a full house until after the weekend.
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